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作者:天津天诚涂镀钢铁有限公司 编辑:天津天诚涂镀钢铁有限公司 来源: 天诚涂镀彩板 发布日期:2019-08-30 08:22
 彩涂板基板的磨刷处理是通过碱洗液的溶解与刷子的机械摩擦等双重作用来去除污垢。彩涂板生产线的磨刷处理是设计成机械式的,磨刷设备也叫刷洗机,通常由旋转刷辊、刷辊贮藏箱刷辊电动控制装置、碱液喷管循环系统组成。   暦刷处理工序一般设置在一二级脱脂段之间,采用特制的刷辊材料,配合碱液冲刷,对彩涂板基板上下表面进行旋转式磨刷,其旋转方向与钢带...


天津天诚彩板全国配送——抚顺彩涂板现货销售_抚顺彩涂板价格   更多信息请点击此链接咨询了解




The grinding and brushing treatment of the substrate removes dirt through the dual action of dissolving the alkali washing solution and mechanical friction of the brush. The brushing treatment of color painting production line is designed as mechanical, and the brushing equipment is also called brushing machine. It usually consists of rotary brushing roller, brushing roller electric control device of brushing roller storage box and alkali nozzle circulation system.
The process of drying and brushing is usually set between the first and second degreasing stages. The special material of brushing roll, together with alkali washing, is used to rotate the upper and lower surfaces of the substrate. The direction of rotation is the same or opposite to that of the steel strip. The friction produced by the high-speed movement of the brush and the surface of the base water glue yard plate is used to remove the substrate. Surface adherent dirt and rough oxides make the substrate surface active.
There are usually two types of brush rollers, compression brush and bristle brush. Compression brushes are made by bonding fine SiC or Alumina abrasives to nylon filaments, then making fiberboard or cushion from the nylon filaments, cutting them into a segment of ring cylinder sleeve after solidification, and mounting them on a roll core to make brush rolls. The brush body of the hard bristle brush is made of nylon wire containing silicon carbide abrasive. Abrasive particle size is different, the use is different, the two brushes have their own advantages and disadvantages. Compression brush is because nylon filament is thin and easy to tear, short service life. The notable advantages of hard brush are good wear resistance of nylon filament, fine abrasive particle size and high pressure of brush roll on the surface of the brushed board. Therefore, the surface of the brushed substrate is uniform and the service life of the brush is long, which is about several times longer than that of the compressed brush. However, this brush should not be used to treat the thin plate substrate. The treatment effect is not ideal, and will cause the substrate to curl. In order to prevent nylon filament from overheating and melting in the process of using brush roller scrubber, alkali solution should be continuously sprayed on the surface of the plate for cooling and wetting.


2021-12-21 16:13


唐山彩钢板规格_唐山家用彩钢板厂家_唐山天物彩板家用彩色钢板是什么?家用彩钢板是由卷冷弯成型的波纹压型钢板。这种板叫彩钢瓦。唐山彩钢板厂生产各种彩钢瓦。一般情况下,我们使用的彩钢瓦具有保温性和一般厚度。我国运用一系列规则来规范这些行为。 天津彩钢板及彩钢板规格简介 ......
2019-08-05 17:32


彩钢复合板一般理论使用寿命为50年,实际使用寿命为25~30年。 彩钢复合板:一种绝缘复合维修板,由彩色涂层钢板或其他板、板和绝缘芯材通过粘合剂(或泡沫)组成。 通常有爆炸复合、爆炸滚动复合、滚动复合等。复合材料可分为复合板、复合管、复合杆等。主要用于防腐、压力容器制造、电工建筑、石化、制药、轻工、汽车等行业。 ......
2019-07-11 10:51


彩涂板的市场用途主要分为三部分:建筑、家用电器和运输。其中,建筑业比重最大,其次是家电业,交通运输业比重较小。 1.彩涂板的基材可分为冷轧基材、热镀锌基材和镀锌基材。 2.第二步。彩涂板的涂层类型可分为:聚酯、硅改性聚酯、聚偏氟乙烯、塑料溶胶。 三。根据用户要求,彩涂板的颜色可分为橙色、乳黄色、深蓝、海蓝、鲜红、砖红色、象牙色、瓷蓝等......
2019-07-09 09:18
