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作者:天津天诚涂镀钢铁有限公司 编辑:天津天诚涂镀钢铁有限公司 来源: 天诚涂镀彩板 发布日期:2019-09-01 08:20
彩涂板涂料成膜主要包括涂料附着和涂层干燥两方面。   A彩涂板涂料附着   钢带基板和涂料附着的第一步是彩涂板涂料在基板表面的润湿,涂料润湿就可以取代钢带基板表面原来吸附的空气和水,同时溶剂在基板表面的挥发起到溶解或溶胀作用,如果彩涂板涂料的成膜树脂与基板表面的溶解度参数选择适当,则会使得彩涂板基板表面与涂膜之间形成一个互混层,这对涂...


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Coating film formation mainly includes coating adhesion and coating drying.
A Coating Adhesion
The first step of adhesion between steel strip substrate and coating is the wetting of coating on the surface of substrate. The wetting of coating can replace the air and water previously adsorbed on the surface of steel strip substrate. At the same time, the volatilization of solvent on the surface of substrate plays a role of dissolution or swelling. If the solubility parameters of coating film-forming resin and the surface of substrate are selected properly, it will be able to replace the air and water previously adsorbed on the surface of steel strip substrate. It is very important for the good adhesion of the coating to form an intermixing layer between the substrate surface and the coating film.
B Coating Drying
The coating adherence construction is only the first step of coating film formation in the coating process of color coated sheet, and the process of solid continuous film formation should be continued to complete the whole coating film formation process. This process from "wet film" to "dry film" is often referred to as "drying" or "curing". This drying and curing process is the core of the coating film forming process. Coatings with different forms and compositions have their own film-forming mechanism, which is determined by the properties of film-forming substances used in coatings. Usually we divide the film formation of coatings into two categories: solid and field.
(1) Non-transforming type. Generally refers to the physical film formation mode, that is, mainly depends on the volatilization of solvents or other dispersing media in the film, and the film viscosity gradually increases to form a solid film. For example: acrylic paint, chlorinated rubber paint, ethylene paint and so on.
(2) Conversion type. Generally speaking, chemical reaction occurs in the process of film formation, and coating mainly depends on chemical reaction to form film. This kind of film-forming material is the process of film-forming material in coatings, which is called polymer after construction. It can be said that it is a special way of polymer synthesis. It completely follows the reaction mechanism of polymer synthesis. For example: alkyd coatings, epoxy coatings, polyurethane coatings, phenolic coatings and so on. However, most of the modern coatings are not formed by a single way, but by a variety of ways to eventually film, coil coating is a typical way to rely on a variety of ways to eventually film.


2021-12-21 16:13


唐山彩钢板规格_唐山家用彩钢板厂家_唐山天物彩板家用彩色钢板是什么?家用彩钢板是由卷冷弯成型的波纹压型钢板。这种板叫彩钢瓦。唐山彩钢板厂生产各种彩钢瓦。一般情况下,我们使用的彩钢瓦具有保温性和一般厚度。我国运用一系列规则来规范这些行为。 天津彩钢板及彩钢板规格简介 ......
2019-08-05 17:32


彩钢复合板一般理论使用寿命为50年,实际使用寿命为25~30年。 彩钢复合板:一种绝缘复合维修板,由彩色涂层钢板或其他板、板和绝缘芯材通过粘合剂(或泡沫)组成。 通常有爆炸复合、爆炸滚动复合、滚动复合等。复合材料可分为复合板、复合管、复合杆等。主要用于防腐、压力容器制造、电工建筑、石化、制药、轻工、汽车等行业。 ......
2019-07-11 10:51


彩涂板的市场用途主要分为三部分:建筑、家用电器和运输。其中,建筑业比重最大,其次是家电业,交通运输业比重较小。 1.彩涂板的基材可分为冷轧基材、热镀锌基材和镀锌基材。 2.第二步。彩涂板的涂层类型可分为:聚酯、硅改性聚酯、聚偏氟乙烯、塑料溶胶。 三。根据用户要求,彩涂板的颜色可分为橙色、乳黄色、深蓝、海蓝、鲜红、砖红色、象牙色、瓷蓝等......
2019-07-09 09:18
