我们最近发现一个问题,在小版本的新材料生产 彩涂卷 。随着天气越来越冷,在许多地方,不同类型的 彩涂卷 上出现了油漆过度爆炸的现象。这真的是天气的原因吗?事实上,这并不是全部。今天,我们来谈谈原因。 1.钝化板的温度生产过程要求每两小时检查一次,原因是检查时工作人员没有定期跟踪钝化板的温度。尤其在冬季,2小时内的温度变化较大,最终会导致 彩涂卷...
We have recently found a problem in the small edition of new materials for the production of colour-coated rolls. As the weather is getting colder and colder, the phenomenon of over-exploding paint appears in different types of colour-coated rolls in many places. Is this really the reason of the weather? In fact, it is not all. Today, let's talk about the reason.
1. Passivation plate temperature production process is required to check once every two hours, the reason is that staff did not regularly track the temperature of the passivation plate during the inspection. Especially in winter, the temperature changes within 2 hours are relatively large, which will eventually lead to the aging of the color coating roll, and scratch the paint when pressing.
2. In the process of production, there is dust on the exit inspection mirror and on some rolls. Dust will directly affect the surface quality of the rolls. It may not appear at the beginning, but once a long time, or in the sunshine, the phenomenon of paint explosion will occur.
3. Passivating liquid is added first, then water is added. Because of the density problem of passivation solution, such as when the density of passivation solution is higher than that of water, the mixture of raw materials is not uniform, and the adhesion between passivation layer and substrate is not good, so it is very easy to make the surface of color coating roll explode.
We should have a better understanding of the phenomenon of color coatings and explosive coatings. Therefore, we still need to standardize the operation, seriously operate, and produce high-quality products.